Our Staff

Whether teaching or in the office Mary Immaculate Primary Quakers Hill staff are part of a system committed to transforming the lives of every student, every day.

Our students are supported and guided by a dedicated and committed teaching staff, who are constantly involved in ongoing professional development to keep up-to-date with best practice in education.

If you need to get in touch with a member of staff below, please contact the school office.

Leadership Team

Principal Leader Mrs Sharon Mizzi
Assistant Principal Mrs Annemarie Bond
Religious Education Coordinator Mrs Tara George

Lead Learners

Learning Technology Coordinator  Mrs R Gotsis 
Literacy Mrs K Behrens
Numeracy Mrs R Gotsis
Diversity Mrs S Hutton
PDHPE Miss R Benjamin 
EALD Mrs A Kelly 
Faith in Action (FIAT) Mrs R Noble 

Classroom Teachers

Kindergarten Mrs N Young
Mrs K Cooper
Miss T Grima
Year One Mrs S Francis
Mrs C Queixalos
Mrs A Shanahan
Year Two

Mrs A Basha
Mrs C Aynsley
Miss K Dimitriadis
Miss C Antonios

Year Three Mrs J Wolffe
Mrs K Zahra
Mrs S Crooks
Mrs A Ruys
Year Four Mrs H Milne
Mrs B Fenech-Soler
Mrs J Makari
Year Five Mrs A Seymour
Mrs S Crooks
Mrs R Gotsis
Mrs R Noble
Miss S Milne
Miss A Pineda
Year Six Mrs J Colombrita
Mrs E Felizardo
Mrs A Cooper
Mrs L Mordini
Mrs K Senel

Support Staff


Mrs L Padlan
Mrs A Grima
Mrs S Henson
Mrs M Apap
Ms M Murdocca

Diversity Mrs P Dimataga

Ms M Murdocca

Student Learning Support Officers

Mrs J Desira
Mrs S Scully
Mrs K Ellims
Mrs C Smithers
Mrs B Jones
Mrs A Attard
Mrs C Johnson
Mrs B Hogbin
Miss A Sinclair
Mrs R Addison

Music Mrs K Cauchi
Physical Education Mr D Johnston
Creative Arts Mrs P Markham-Ward
Reading Recovery
Mrs C Aynsley
Mrs A Basha
Counsellor Mr J Denes
LTST Mr I Virk
Maintenance  Mr S Garland
Mrs K Collins
Mr D Fernandes