What We Offer



Mary Immaculate Primary is the perfect choice for your child. Learn more and enrol today!

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Give your child the best opportunity to develop academically, spiritually and socially.

Mary Immaculate Primary is a Catholic coeducational primary celebrating the uniqueness of each learner and committed to providing each student with a learning program that is contemporary and personalised and a learning environment that is inclusive, supportive and challenging.

Located in Quakers Hill, we are a multicultural school which seeks to live out the values of Christ in a caring and supportive environment.

Educating for faith and life

Mary Immaculate is a school with love and service at our heart. Love of God, love of neighbour and love of self form the basis of how students are nurtured in the Catholic faith. As such, prayer is central to our day and there are many varied prayer experiences available for students and staff, including guided meditation, personal prayer, formal and traditional prayer, prayer circles and whole-school prayer celebrations.

We maintain a rich liturgical life with special liturgies at significant times of the year, including beginning and end-of-year Masses, Holy Week and Easter liturgies, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, and the school feast day for Mary Immaculate.

Of most importance though, is how our school's faith and prayer life inspires our students to reach out to those in need in a spirit of service, both in and beyond our school community.


Excellent Educators

Students at Mary Immaculate Primary are fortunate to be educated in a positive and engaging learning environment. At our school it is expected that not only can all students learn, but they can also learn well. Students are supported and guided by a dedicated and committed teaching staff, who are constantly involved in ongoing professional development to keep up-to-date with best practice in education.


A 21st Century learning environment

Mary Immaculate Primary is a place where curiosity, imagination and love of learning are treasured. Our school is full of great teachers working together to meet your child’s needs in spaces that are designed for up-to-date learning. There are places for students to work together and for working independently. There are also places where the latest state-of-the-art technology and well-designed facilities support your child's learning. Mary Immaculate Primary is a community of learners, thinkers and achievers, and a safe place for your child to belong, make friends and be cared for.


A wide variety of extracurricular activities

Students at Mary Immaculate Primary are provided with a wide range of activities that allow them to develop as young people with a range of interests and abilities. These activities include academic, extracurricular and sporting activities which are supported by committed staff who believe in the importance of educating the whole person. The interests and talents of students are nurtured in a wide variety of activities including:

  • Leadership Development program
  • choir
  • chess competitions
  • Creative Arts Expo
  • Premier’s Reading Challenge
  • specialised music lessons
  • public speaking
  • gardening
  • recycling and environmental sustainability
  • a wide range of sport
  • Information Technology groups
  • peer support
  • Creative Arts performances
  • buddy system
  • Life Education Program

Before and After School Care

Catholic Out of School Hours Care (COSHC) at Mary Immaculate is one of many services available at selected schools in the Diocese of Parramatta offering before and after school care during school terms.

Various activities are available for the children at our centres ranging from craft, games, puzzles, cooking, dramatic play, construction and outdoor play.




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